
Anti-Ragging Committee/Squad                    

Online Registration / Admission Procedure

Students seeking admission to UG Programmers can apply for online registration or the prescribed admission form available on the college counter. The admission forms on the college counter will be available only after the reopening of the college as per the decision of H.P. University, Shimla. However, students can apply for online registration. All the admissions to the first year/ semester will be on merit.

Reservation :

For reserved categories (SC/ST/Sports (SP)/CULTURAL (CUL) / PHY. HANDICAPPED (HC), the roster system of H.P. University will be followed. One seat is reserved for single girl children in each course.

Age Limit :

For admission to undergraduate courses, the upper age limit is 23 years for the general category and 26 years for SC/ST years for SC/ST as of 1st July of the concerned year.

The relaxation in age will be accorded as per HPU norms.

The Following scanned documents have to be uploaded (online admission). attested copies of these documents have to be attached to the admission form (offline admission)

  • I. Last examination passed.
  • II. Matriculation Certificate.
  • III. Latest Character Certificate.
  • IV. Affidavits regarding gap year.
  • V. Certificate /S, if applying for a reserved seat.
  • VI. Online Anti-Ragging Form using the link.

For Online Admission :

During the admission procedure after verification of the online form, all the information up to confirmation of admission, fee amount for the semester / Year and bank account number will be intimated on the account created by you on our portal. The candidate will deposit the fees online and mention your roll number in the remark field while submitting the fee online Also upload the Payment Receipt and mention transaction /UTR Number /UPI Reference Number etc. in the PAYMENT Receipt Tab in your account created by you on our Portal.

From 28 July 2021 onward college will scrutinize forms. Admission will start from 10th August 2021 onward

Note: Pay the online fee and fund only after receiving a confirmation message on the portal.

For Admission in Shastri (Equivalent to B.A )

  • If the fee/funds are not paid, the seat shall be offered to the next candidate on the waiting list.
  • Upload a copy of the fee Payment receipt on the online admission portal.

1. The College reserves the right to refuse admission to any candidate without assigning any reason.
2. Admission of students is liable to be cancelled in case He/ She furnishes incomplete/wrong/false information or in case of concealment of facts. All admissions to the college shall be strictly provisional, subject to the production of the original document when the college opens and is further subjected to the approval of the H.P. University. The college shall not be held responsible for the cancellation of the Admission / Candidature of any student by the H.P. University.

© Copyright Govt. Sanskrit College, Sundernagar 2024. All rights reserved. Last updated in 21st October 2024

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